superb walk-round shows the record breaking Grumman HU-16 Albatross s/no.
0-15282 which set a new world altitude record for twin-engine amphibians,
reaching 32,883 feet on 4th July, 1973. Click here
to see this aircraft landing after the flight, with images from our own
Photo Gallery section. Subsequently, a fortnight after this flight, the
aircraft was retired and was flown to the USAF Aviation Museum, where it
resides today and where these images were taken. This walk-round has been
kindly donated to SEAWINGS by the Dayton Chapter of the I.P.M.S.
(International Plastic Modeling Society) with permission courtesy of Bob
Ellis, Webmaster and Mark E. Young, Jr, MSGT, USAF (Ret). The Dayton
Chapter has a cracking club web site; click here
to visit it. Grateful thanks to you both and best regards to all your
members. Happy modeling! |