The Short Sealand is one of those 'unsung' flying boats that has never really featured as well as it's illustrious ancestors, yet is a personal favourite of mine as it carries all the attributes that a scale model requires; it's well proportioned, streamlined yet business-like, and carried a fair range of colourful markings. At last, it is now available as a brand-new tooled 1/72 scale plastic model kit released by Lift Here/Sebia..! These scans are taken directly from the Sealand Servicing Manual, Flight Manual and Modification Manuals and serve to illustrate many detail points that a photograph cannot show and will go a long way to adding extra detail to the new kit. Our grateful thanks goes to Matt Savage for his kind permission to show them here. Thanks, Matt.

Credits: Matt Savage - Manual & Alex Norton - Sales Brochure. Thanks, Guys.

Interior Wing & Float Hull Empennage Hull Sheeting
Hull Skin Cockpit Text Access Panels (1) Access Panels (2)
G/A Undercarriage (1) Undercarriage (2) Cowlings Hull Frames (1)
Hull Frames (2) Hull Frames (3) Hull Frames (4) Wing G/A Wing Sheeting
G/A Stb Side View Hull Bottom Undercarriage (3) Cockpit Detail (1)
Wing G/A Hull Overview Cockpit Detail (2) Nacelle
Short Sealand S.A.6 Mk.I - Shorts original Sales Brochure

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