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look at what remains at the present-day site of the Castle
Archdale flying boat base is brought to us by correspondent
John Rogers, who spent a day having a wander around what was
in WWII, a very active base indeed; just look at the number of
'boats up on the hardstanding or moored out on Lough Erne in
the contemporary photographs. Our grateful thanks goes to John
for his outstanding effort. Thanks, John.
on the photographs for a full-size image
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Castle Archdale - Lough Erne - Co. Fermanagh,
N. Ireland 1941 –
from the start of WW2 Castle Archdale, on Lower Lough Erne, became an
important flying boat base for Coastal Command due its close
proximity to the Atlantic, just
about 30 miles away. Unfortunately those 30 miles lay across County
Donegal a part of neutral Eire, the present day Republic of Ireland.
However a secret deal was struck between Britain and the Irish
Republic that allowed the aircraft to overfly Donegal along a narrow
corridor to reach the Atlantic.
concession gave the Sunderlands and Catalina's an extra 100 miles
range, which was crucial to the protection of the Atlantic convoys,
and the detection of enemy ships and submarines.
During WW2 there were a number of flying facilities on the eastern
shore of Lower Lough Erne.
South to North there was the airfield at St Angelo which, by
extending the runway across the public road, could take B-17's. Today,
without the road crossing, St. Angelo is Enniskillen airport
catering mainly for private aircraft and helicopters.
Next came RAF Killadeas which was an operational training unit and a
maintenance area. Many of the crashes on the Lough occurred during
training from Killadeas.
Killadeas is once again the site of the Lough Erne yacht club
Further on in Rossclare bay there was a salvage unit operated by the
RAF using civilian divers
from Belfast. Today, Rossclare is a public jetty and slipway but
signs of WW2 still remain such as the concrete mooring blocks, some
incribed with the date of casting
March 1943.
Finally we come to the main operational site Castle Archdale set on
the northern shore of Duross bay. The camp was set in a wooded area
with large concrete slipways with hangars and all the usual camp
The base played a large part in the battle of the Atlantic. Catalina's
from Lough Erne found and shadowed the battleship Bismarck until the
Royal Navy destroyed it. Sunderlands and Catalina's from the base
were also responsible for a number of U boat sightings and sinking.
Castle Archdale itself was a large manor house, which accommodated
the officer’s mess and the control tower. It was built between
1773 and 1777 but was not occupied after WW2. In 1959 it was
derelict and had to be demolished. However, the imposing courtyard
still remains and houses a youth hostel and a small but compact WW2 museum. The
rest of the site is now a beautiful country park with static and
touring caravan sites, woodland walks, wild life areas and a marina.
Many remains from the wartime era are still visible in the park,
some of which have been converted to modern usage. For example, the
concrete hardstanding of the caravan sites were previously hanger
and maintenance areas. The present day group camp site used to be
the airmen's quarters and recreation area. The estate road
circumnavigating the park is still called by its wartime name “The
Burma Road”
Throughout the site are the remains of ammunition and fuel dumps and
the old filter house still stands where water from the Lough was
filtered and pumped throughout the camp. One unique feature of the
base which is still very much in evidence is the flying boat dock
built in
1945 to accommodate the Short Shetland. Although it was never used
it is still in remarkably good condition and could still be used
although the level of the Lough is now lower than it was in 1945. It
is thought that this dock is the only one of its kind remaining.
Other reminders of Castle Archdale’s role during WW2 are the
numerous war graves in the nearby cemeteries and the shoreline
markers denoting the war graves in the Lough itself.
Castle Archdale ceased to be an operational unit in August 1945 and
closed as an RAF station in January 1958
A number of Sunderlands and Catalina's were scrapped and some Catalina's
were deliberately scuttled and now lie deep in silt at the bottom of
the Lough.
Today, one or two small private flying boats use the Lough.
Ironically it is much better surveyed and marked and therefore much
safer than it was during WW2 when Sunderlands used it day and night.
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Archdale base from overhead sometime during WWII. Note the
large collection of Short Sunderlands on the left and more
being worked on outside the right-hand hardstanding area.
All-in-all, quite a compact base area. |
view, also taken sometime during WWII shoes the base from
ground level, looking towards the right-hand-hardstanding of
the photo above, taken from behind the hangars. |
Catalina's moored out on Lough Erne beside the Castle
Archdale base during 1944. Note the base in the upper left of
the picture. |
crew of Catalina XJ202 coming ashore in 1945 in a marine
launch. |
Sunderland overflying Lough Erne in WWII. |
Catalina, coded 'F', landing on Lough Erne during WWII. |
Sunderlands moored on Lough Erne surrounded by ice, during the
winter of 1944. |
Sunderland taking off from Lough Erne during WWII. |
at Castle Archdale during 1943. Note the Catalina in the
background. |
up at the nearby Rossclare salvage area, a fully camouflaged
Sunderland in the background. |
of Castle Archdale's Catalina's overflying Enniskillen, albeit
more like 'buzzing' the town. |
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WWII becomes ever more distant in our memories, and those that
were actually their grow less and less with the rapidly
passing years, like many other places Castle Archdale is
slowly being swallowed up by nature and the encroachment of
modern structures. However, it is still possible - just - to
wander around the site an figure out 'what-went-where', just
as John has thankfully done below and recorded for all-time. |
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is a view of the original concrete hangar area taken in 2008;
now a storage area for mobile homes, the hangars having long
been removed. Note, though that the lines of dense trees is
still in-situ behind the mobile homes. |
concrete was the original compass calibration area to the
right-hand -side of the base. |
remains of an brick built ammunition dump close by. |
of an ammunition barge on the foreshore close to the base area. |
is the docking area built for the operational use of the Short
Shetland. |
WWII salvage area with old mooring blocks showing above the
water level. |
a marina, a WWII beacon still stands. |
interesting 'potted' history of the RAF Squadrons based at
Castle Archdale during WWII - Part 1. |
interesting 'potted' history of the RAF Squadrons based at
Castle Archdale during WWII - Part 2. |
of RAF Squadrons based at Castle Archdale during WWII. |
profile of the Catalina that found the Bismarck. |
of the actions of the Catalina that found the Bismarck. |
John's visit to the site of Castle Archdale in 2008, this is the
closest it came to a 'flashback'..... a float equipped seaplane
flying in the those hallowed skies above the old base. |
within the wooded grounds surrounding the base site, a poignant
memorial to the sacrifice of individuals based there during
WWII. Not everyone stationed there went home at the end of the
war. |
one beside the Lough itself, with an all-to familiar story to
tell. |
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acknowledgement goes to our correspondent, J-Christophe
Polet for supplying these magnificent images to accompany the
above article.
have any other quality images, please send them into SEAWINGS. |
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view of the RAF Killadeas the 131 OTU (Operational Training
Unit) Base at with Catalina's moored alongside and being
attended to under cover of the 'sheds'. |
view of a 131 Sqn Catalina, in the servicing 'shed' at RAF Killadeas
in 1942. |
view of Castle Archdale base with 202 Sqn Short Sunderlands in
attendance, in late 1944. |
overhead view of Castle Archdale, absolutely packed with
Sunderlands and Catalina's. Oh, to have been able to have walked
around the base when this image was taken! How many can you
count? |
Archdale, looking into the ramp area from Lough Erne, at the
Catalina's and Sunderlands ashore for servicing and maintenance. |
Catalina AH536 BN-K out on the Lough Erne water. |
BN-W of 240Sqn Castle Archdale taking off from Lough Erne in
1942. Note the upper wing camouflage and the wing staining. |
Catalina moored off Castle Archdale in the depths of winter. |
Catalina moored during freezing, icy weather. |
'Bismarck' Catalina landing on Lough Erne. |
A Catalina of 131
OTU heading off for a training mission from Lough Erne. |
Catalina's of 131
OTU over Castle Archdale during June 1943. |
Catalina's of
201 Sqn up from RAF Killadeas during 1943. |
Catalina JX383
of 131 OTU based at RAF Killadeas during 1945. |
Catalina W84XX 'L' of 240 Sqn moored out on Lough Erne. |