Dear Flying Boat enthusiast,

If you feel that this site is worth it to you, please consider giving a donation of whatever you can afford through PAYPAL. It is free to use for everyone - and will always remain that way - however, the various website operating costs are not free to me. Every year they have to be paid to the suppliers and regretfully it is getting more expensive each year.

Apart from what I can personally afford or raise, there is no other funding opportunity available to me other than donations and a very small revenue from the Flying Boat shop sales.

I have dedicated the rest of my life to bringing you the very best references I can on SEAWINGS and there is a lot more still to come. With your help I can keep this site running and growing for many more years.

Please send your donation via PAYPAL; click the PayPal icon below, log-on to your own account and send your donation to SEAWINGS using the e-mail address: and the account name: W. B. RIBBANS. Please select the PayPal option of 'SEND MONEY TO FRIENDS AND FAMILY' and NOT the 'GOODS or TRANSACTIONS' one.

I take no enjoyment from proffering the 'begging bowl' but any and all contributions - however large or small - will be gratefully accepted, now and in the future and used for the running of this site.

Thank you,

Bryan Ribbans

Webmaster & Owner