This Gallery contains all the relevant diagrams and pictures from the official Grumman Handbook on the Widgeon to enable modelers to add detail to the new Pavla 1/72 scale kit. SEAWINGS is indebted to Lois Lovisolo of the Grumman Corporation Inc. (Historical Div.) for supplying the original documents, amongst others, so that these details can be shared with fellow modelers around the world. It does not get any more accurate than this! Thanks, Lois.

Click on the title to go to the page:

Hull Stations Floats Tail fin Tailplane
Tail Section Main Wheels-1 Main Wheels-2 Tail Wheel
Side View Front View Plan View Hull Cradles
Profiles Instruments Cockpit Roof Cockpit Rear
Interior-Aft Interior-Fwd Bow Port Engine
Stb Engine Main Wheels Tail Wheel