The Rohrbach series of flying boats make nice subjects for scratch builders and here we present another series of detailed pictures, this time of the Robbe, supplied by our German correspondent, Axel Ganz. There is also a plan of this craft in the Plans Gallery. I have deliberately scanned these pictures at a large size so that all the detail can be readily seen, so please be patient whilst they download. Many thanks, Axel.
Robbe-1_1.jpg (120689 bytes) Robbe-1_2.jpg (170622 bytes) Robbe-1_3.jpg (122004 bytes) Robbe-1_4.jpg (150129 bytes)
Robbe-2_1.jpg (245699 bytes) Robbe-II_2.jpg (224289 bytes) Robbe-II_3.jpg (114655 bytes) Robbe-II_4.jpg (144356 bytes)