These superb pictures and diagrams are straight out of the Marlin Flight Manual and will serve all modelers seeking to add just a bit more detail to the old Hasegawa kit. They come once again courtesy of the generosity of my 'Manual Man' Bruce John Vander Mark. Many, many thanks to Bruce for sharing his collection and the time and trouble he takes to ensure that we all get to see such great scans.

Click on the image to go to the page:

1.jpg (419870 bytes) 2.jpg (282685 bytes) 3.jpg (80668 bytes) 4.jpg (253110 bytes) 5.jpg (305814 bytes)
Inst Panel Levers-1 Levers-2 Cockpit-1 Cockpit-2
6.jpg (212271 bytes) 7.jpg (224036 bytes) 8.jpg (238138 bytes) 9.jpg (298077 bytes) 10.jpg (249377 bytes)
Nav Stn Radar Stn Radio Stn Waist-Fwd Waist-Aft
11.jpg (287600 bytes) 12.jpg (347518 bytes) 13.jpg (195749 bytes) 14.jpg (201197 bytes) 15.jpg (173737 bytes)
Tail Turret Nav/Rad Servicing Pilot Seat Aux Equip
16.jpg (94924 bytes) 17.jpg (120377 bytes) 18.jpg (130667 bytes) 19.jpg (126322 bytes) 20.jpg (154802 bytes)
Ext Insp Mooring Antennas-1 Antennas-2 Crew Comps