
This magnificent walk-round, or should that be 'splash-round' (!), has been donated by Alex Norton and shows in great detail the fabulous 'Hawaii Mars' of F.I.F.T. (Forest Industries Flying Tankers) moored at its base on Sproat Lake, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Click here to go to their web site. These are the exact pictures I would have taken given the chance, lucky man!. So, to all those with the Combat Models 1/72 scale kit, there is now no excuse for not building it. And, if you have one and do not want it, send it to me! Or you could of course build one of the new fabulous 1/144 scale resin kits from CMR in the markings shown here. Many thanks, Alex, for your generous donation.

gg.jpg (257787 bytes) ff.jpg (231882 bytes) ee.jpg (263494 bytes) dd.jpg (254805 bytes) cc.jpg (242932 bytes)
bb.jpg (248758 bytes) Hawaii Mars01.jpg (272680 bytes) Hawaii Mars02.jpg (248714 bytes) 11.jpg (238250 bytes) 10.jpg (246134 bytes)
9.jpg (202300 bytes) 1.jpg (210151 bytes) 4.jpg (204868 bytes) 3.jpg (203093 bytes) 2.jpg (207608 bytes)
hmars1a.jpg (55640 bytes) hmars-1b.jpg (49155 bytes) hmars-1c.jpg (43004 bytes) hmars-1d.jpg (39287 bytes) hmars-1e.jpg (43653 bytes)
5.jpg (218239 bytes) moored.jpg (179601 bytes) nose.jpg (54718 bytes) port inner prop & nose.jpg (190210 bytes) view of Philippine Mars01.jpg (178809 bytes)
view_aft.jpg (53005 bytes) stbd inner & nose.jpg (220969 bytes) stbd outer01.jpg (253668 bytes) starboard_wing_&_pitot.jpg (71960 bytes) stbd wing from front door.jpg (245314 bytes)
through porthole.jpg (264528 bytes) starboard_engines.jpg (70325 bytes) 8.jpg (177984 bytes) port inner2.jpg (207507 bytes) port wing01.jpg (228823 bytes)
port_engines.jpg (40146 bytes) port_wing_&_pitot.jpg (75697 bytes) stbd wing & nose.jpg (237055 bytes) tail01.jpg (194878 bytes) tail_&_Phillipine_Mars.jpg (62429 bytes)
tail.jpg (218346 bytes) Copy of tail.jpg (57598 bytes) view from port hole.jpg (185322 bytes) 6.jpg (211129 bytes) hull under wing.jpg (205090 bytes)
7.jpg (223585 bytes) a.jpg (207858 bytes) b.jpg (131767 bytes) cockpit.jpg (93618 bytes) cockpit01.jpg (178025 bytes)
cockpit03.jpg (196859 bytes) cockpit06.jpg (188648 bytes) cockpit07.jpg (204248 bytes) cockpit08.jpg (220484 bytes) cockpit2.jpg (46753 bytes)
cockpit3.jpg (63607 bytes) cockpit-dark.jpg (176287 bytes) engineers station01.jpg (239061 bytes) flight_engineer_station.jpg (84465 bytes) interior upper deck.jpg (237957 bytes)
interior01.jpg (207183 bytes) interior02.jpg (176399 bytes) interior03.jpg (197469 bytes) ladder.jpg (147354 bytes) moored.jpg (231894 bytes)
nose.jpg (123936 bytes) spare scoop.jpg (155832 bytes) view to tail.jpg (241862 bytes) water tank.jpg (169483 bytes)  
Now available from the SEAWINGS Flying Boat Shop - click link on front page
Below, this second 'Splash-Round' also includes some of the sharpest images I have ever seen of the complete interior, mind you that is not surprising seeing's that they come from the lens of Victor. G. Archer, a highly talented photographer who has his own aviation galleries here full of the most stunning photographs of a host of subjects. Take a look, you will not be disappointed - Victor has managed to accomplish more than we mere 'camera pointers' could ever achieve, lucky man! Grateful thanks goes to Victor for taking the time to produce this stunning gallery.
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