This walk-round has been generously donated by Rod Larson, Webmaster of the WarBird Photos web site - click here to visit - and features the only remaining 'Emily' anywhere in the world. It is on display in the grounds of a park in Tokyo, Japan and has undergone restoration to bring it up to a very high standard of finish; they even replaced the window and turret perspex where it had cracked and faded due to exposure outside in the elements. Really though, a flying boat of this importance should be under cover in a museum somewhere, preferably where one can walk through it. The apparent colour changes in some of the pictures is due to it having rained during Rod's visit! Note also the netting over the engines to keep the bird's out. Many thanks, Rod.
The images below show more aspects of the 'Emily' complementing the ones above. What is really needed is a visit by a flying boat enthusiast to produce a full-blown walk-round that really shows all the details in digital clarity, preferably on a sunny day! Any takers...?