The UC-1 Twin Bee (UC = United Consultants, now bought out by STOL) is a relative stranger to the UK shores and so the opportunity to get up-close to one is rare. So, when you tell one of the finest 'roving' semi-professional photographers I know of - who just happens to be an aircraft fanatic and a dear friend to SEAWINGS - that a flying boat 'Fly-In' is taking place near Castle Archdale, Ireland - the home of the old WWII flying boat base in Ireland - and inform him that I cannot go, what does he do but jump on his motorcycle and get straight there to shoot these 122 superb close-up shots for us all..!

Stuart 'Reggie' Martindale, I salute you..! Thanks for taking the time and trouble to get these shots.....then he tells me he had a flight in the Twin Bee. God, I hate him....! Thanks, Reggie.

All we scale modellers need now is a kit or an 'after-market' conversion...any takers?


~ Brenda Martindale ~

December 1937 ~ September 2014

Directly after I uploaded this particular Gallery, whilst speaking with Reggie to let him know, I learnt the very sad news that his Mum - Brenda ('Bren' to her friends) - passed away on the very day I was formatting it. I always enjoyed our chats over the phone when ringing him, she was always bright and chatty, the life and sole of the Martindale household. She always made me laugh..!

Therefore, it is with great sadness and with fond memories that I dedicate this Gallery to Bren showing her son doing what he loves best; piccies and planes.......

"God Bless, Bren - Blue Skies....."
