Our USA correspondents, Tim and Tom Kalina have very kindly donated the images seen here - that's Tim in the front seat at the bottom of the gallery - lucky man..!! Tom was the pilot of 'Carnuba' and was heavily involved in the whole project for many years. Today, sadly it is no longer flying but hanging from the ceiling within a purpose built hall on the premises of the S.C. Johnson Company at Racine, Wisconsin, USA. Guys, many thanks to the pair of you for your superb generosity.

You may not know this, but Tom Kalina is also a superb aviation artist and has his own website with gallery. Click here to see the artistry of Tom Kalina, specialising in airliner art. He also carries prints of flying boats for sale, as well! Just right for any enthusiast room.

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Above, I mentioned that 'Carnauba' now hangs from the ceiling. Well, to get there she had to be dismantled and that was a big, professional job and correspondent Bob Kalsto had his camera to hand during the process and shot these wonderfully detailed images. The chances of ever being able to attain this level of detail on this particular S-38 is now extremely rare, so we are indebted to Bob for his forethought in recording, not only the scene but exquisite details of the craft and then allowing SEAWINGS to place them here for all to share. Thanks, Bob.
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