Grumman G-44 Widgeon  Plans Gallery
Credit: Plans © Grumman Flying Boat Image Archive of Bill Bailey
and © the late Paul Matt Estate


Bill writes: I would have gone for the Pavla kit if at all possible, but since you got the Airfkit I'll offer the following.

First, Yes, the Paul Matt drawings are the best available and are for the most part quite accurate. The least accurate bits of the drawings are the props, totally wrong shape.

The drawings are for a G-44 with the long step, if you're doing a post war airplane you need to shorten the step even with the front edge of the rear most window and add a small square shape under the window and on the bottom of the hull to sim. the step vents.

As for the kit, it's a 50+ year old kit and it shows. It's neither a G-44/J4F/Gosling or a post war G-44A, but something in between.The nose is too deep for a G-44 and not deep enough for a G-44A and I don't know how you'd go about correcting it.

Details are soft, the landing gear and floats are only a close approximation.
The float struts are too short, the vertical fin/rudder outline needs help and the windshield is a joke.

From what I can remember from the last one I built 40+ years ago, the engine exhausts hang down at a funny angle (they should be even with the bottom of the wing) and there are no elevator mass balances and the props are too skinny.
I'm sure there are other problems, but since I haven't even looked at one in at least 5 years I don't really remember.

Now, having completely trashed the kit, it CAN be built up into a decent model, I have pics of a couple that came out rather nicely all things considered.
But like Carlos shows in his images, it's going to take some work.
I have all the information you could ever want or need for basic reference & detailing it, you need but ask.

BČ (aka Mr Widgeon)


Click on the image to view the plan:

G-44 - G-44A Tail Surface Sta. Numbers G-44 & G-44A Wing Sta. Numbers G-44 Sta. Numbers G-44A Sta. Numbers Tip Floats
Paul Matt -Plan -1 Paul Matt - Plan -2