Bill Bailey - aka 'Mr. Widgeon' - probably the World's foremost knowledgeable authority on anything concerning the Grumman family of flying boats and amphibians - has very kindly made available this stunning series of images of Goose 'N789' currently on display at the Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum, in Anchorage. Our grateful thanks goes to Bill, and also to Doug Robertson and Rene Juncker for taking such superb images. Thanks Guys.

What a colourful model scheme this would make if only the decals were available; any takers?

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Here is another look at the superb Grumman Goose on display at one of the most far-flung museums in the Western World; the Alaska Aviation Museum, one I personally would love to visit!. These superb images are thanks to our Russian correspondent Victor Khmelik who paid a recent visit. Victor operates a PhotoBlog full of interesting image series; click here to view it. Grateful thanks, Victor.   